Amy Young-BS
Grant Writer/Curriculum Builder
Certified Peer Support Specialist (PSS) in Family Support, Adult Addiction, Adult Mental Health, and Employment Support. I trained with Robyn Priest, MHOAA, Portland, OR, & Project Able in Salem, OR.
Traditional Health Worker (THW) with Oregon Health Authority (OHA)
Qualified Mental Health Associate 1
(QMHA 1), certified through
The Mental Health and Addiction Certification Board of Oregon (MHACBO)
My work history includes the following organizations: Lifeways, Inc., Eastern Oregon Recovery Center (EORC), and Maple Star Oregon.
For nine years, I have been a member of the Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc. (GOBHI) Peer Caucus. I love working with great organizations and peers to bring awareness to and care about peer support services.
The members of the GOBHI Caucus have been great inspirations and supporters. It means a lot to me as I progress in my recovery health.
I have lived experience in addiction, behavioral health, the justice system, cancer survivorship, family dysfunction, and child services.
Joshua Young and Velvet Mae
Director of Donations/ Community Liason
I was trained in peer support for addictions and mental health through Project Able in Salem, OR. and Forensic Peer Support through Robyn Priest, Live Your Truth in Canada.
I have recently become a member of the Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc. (GOBHI) Peer Caucus. I have enjoyed working with and learning about many other great organizations and peers that are bringing awareness and care about peer support services to Oregon communities.
I am a non-traditionally certified peer support specialist who has lived experience with houselessness, addiction, outreach, and the justice system.
Tanya Hunt
Administration/Front Office (Virtual)
Certified Peer Support Specialist (PSS)-- Family Support and Mental Health trained by Project Able in Salem, OR
Certified Traditional Health Worker (THW) with the Oregon Health Authority (OHA). Certified Peer Support Specialist in Mental Health and Family Support.
I have been a member of the Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc. (GOBHI) Peer Caucus for a little over a year. I enjoy being a part of learning and working with many other great organizations and peers to raise awareness and care about peer support services in Oregon.
I am a board member of two to three organizations that work to create support for those we serve.
I have lived experience with seniors' disabilities, behavioral health, and community peer center involvement in Umatilla County.
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Job listings from community mental health providers and other network providers in the region, information about Eastern Oregon attractions, and details about the GOBHI network